Build a Simple Custom Slack Bot using @slack/client and Node

19 Aug 2016 . TUTORIALS . Comments #tutorials

Recently, we officially switched from Hipchat to Slack at work. I wanted to make a simple slack bot that can help me to choose whom to pick on for PR reviews. I made a randomizer that takes in a list of names and outputs two names.

Set up a bot user

  1. Go to and setup a bot user on slack.
  2. Generate an API token.

Set up the node server

  1. Make a new folder and cd into the folder
  2. npm init
  3. Install slack/client by doing npm install @slack/client --save
  4. Create a new file named app.js

Make the slack bot

var token = 'YOUR SLACK BOT API KEY' || '';

var RtmClient = require('@slack/client').RtmClient;

var _ = require('lodash')

var rtm = new RtmClient(token, { logLevel: 'debug' });

var CLIENT_EVENTS = require('@slack/client').CLIENT_EVENTS;

rtm.on(CLIENT_EVENTS.RTM.AUTHENTICATED, function(rtmStartData) {
  console.log(`Logged in as ${} of team ${}, but not yet connected to a channel`);

var RTM_EVENTS = require('@slack/client').RTM_EVENTS;

// Listens to all `message` events from the team
rtm.on(RTM_EVENTS.MESSAGE, function(message) {
  console.log(message, 'message')

  var str = message.text;
  // <@U22QZJNKA> is the my bot id. I am checking to see if someone @ my bot
  var n = str.includes("<@U22QZJNKA>")

  var array = str.split(', ');

  var splicedArray = array.splice(1);
  var lucky;
  var msg

  if (splicedArray.length > 1) {
    lucky = _.sampleSize(splicedArray, 2)
    msg = ':laser_cat: meow meow :thinking_face: ??? ' + lucky[0] + ' & ' + lucky[1] + ' today is your lucky day RUFFF RUFFFF :doge:!! :partyparrot: :beers::dealwithitparrot::hypnotoad: '
    //get rid of the emojis if you don't have them.

  var params = {
    text: msg,
    channel_id: 'G20TSFYAX', //My channel id. You should switch to whatever channel id you want the bot to be in.

  if (n) {
    // This will send the message to the channel identified by id 'G20TSFYAX'
    if (lucky) {
      rtm.sendMessage(params.text, params.channel_id, function messageSent() {
        // optionally, you can supply a callback to execute once the message has been sent
    } else {
      params.text = 'meow meow :thinking_face: ???'
      rtm.sendMessage(params.text, params.channel_id, function messageSent() {
        // optionally, you can supply a callback to execute once the message has been sent



Run the bot

nodemon app.js (if you have nodemon installed) or node app.js

The bot will work as long as you have it running it locally or deployed somewhere.
